Waddies for Sale!
It’s difficult to find silver linings these days. The pandemic has been rough in just about every possible way. Living through endless lockdowns is a slow psychological torture, especially as the warm weather teases us with dreams of social gatherings at parks, patios and backyard barbeques. Everyone is coping in their own way. We hope you are staying healthy and finding happiness however you can.
For our group of eleven childhood friends, the public health measures have kept us physically distanced but, in an ironic twist, has brought us closer together than ever before. As you know, we have spent the past six months re-designing, manufacturing and marketing Waddies, the tossing game we’ve played since our youth. It hasn’t been easy starting a project while living in isolation. There have been challenges but also great rewards, perhaps none greater than the cementing of our strong bonds of friendship.
Alas, it’s time to spread the joy and the fruits of our labour. Waddies sets are available for pre-order starting right now! A limited first run of boards we’re calling the Founders Edition is currently in production for our first customers and should be ready to ship by early summer. You can reserve yours at www.waddies.ca/shop. And for our loyal subscribers, use the discount code FOUNDER for 20% off!
Still not convinced? Here are a few more reasons to get in on the Founders Edition:
Some people are using their pandemic downtime to learn a new language or start a vegetable garden. What a waste of time. Perfecting your Waddies toss and dominating your loved ones are the best ways to fill time during this (hopefully final) lockdown. It can be played alone in your condo, outside in the summer sun or in the basement or garage on rainy days. It’s great for kids, parents and grandparents alike. Remember, family love is unconditional. Show no mercy.
We know we can build a community around Waddies. It’s contagiously fun. If Waddies were a virus, it would have an R factor of 1000. Unfortunately, the pandemic is cramping our social initiatives, but soon there will be events, tournaments, league nights, player ladders and more. Get in early to establish your seniority and cement your local legacy. Training begins now.
Our handcrafted Founders Edition Waddies boards are strong, sleek and handsome. The new pucks are custom-made for tossing and board bouncing. How could you possibly wait? You’ve spent the past year sacrificing for the common good. Treat yourself!
Get in touch if you have any questions about the pre-sale.